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Tasklist for adding a doctor (Omni 46813)

  • Add doctor in Test
  • Search for existing entry by typing in Atlas alliance number with F4. If not, search by name
  • If confident the doc isn't in the system, press F9
  • Enter provider's code (from EPIC reqs, where else?), if there's no code, First 3 letters of their LAST name and first 3 letters of their FIRST name, e.g. PELJES
  • First Name
  • Suffix (MD, DDS, NP, MW, PA, anyone who can legally order procedures, if they can't they should not be entered into the system)
  • Postal Code (X1XSPACE1X1), press tab and it will fill in the address, otherwise add the postal code and include the City, Province and Country manually
  • Ontario physicians, click Other Info tab and add CPSO number
  • Notify APIS Charge Technologist of the change/addition
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